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Fresh Vaccine News Could Boost The DOW Higher – DOW JONES Market Outlook – 14/09/2020


A decline in daily Covid-19 cases in the U.S, comment from Pfizer CEO that the U.S. could get a vaccine before year end along with an array of successful mergers and acquisitions boosted investor sentiment as we print higher in early session with the 20 period SMA preparing to cross the 50 period SMA from below on the hourly chart, favoring higher prints with 28000 and the 200 period SMA as the next closest resistance targets.

Support: 27700 / 27400
Resistance: 28000 /28300

SquaredFinancial Daily Market Outlook


SquaredFinancial Review

Source: https://www.squaredfinancial.com/learn/daily-market-outlook/fresh-vaccine-news-could-boost-the-dow-higher-dow-jones-market-outlook-14-09-2020
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