We continue our story about LH-Crypto – a multi-financial broker launched by Larson&Holz company after a successful ICO in late 2017. Previously, Eugene Misha, the Head of Development Team in Africa and Eastern Asia, explained why his regions are the top priority for the company, why Africa has a special feeling for cryptocurrencies, than any other region in the world.
Two months have passed, and now the first LH-Crypto representative office is opened in South Africa, while two more offices are ready to be launched in Kenya and Nigeria. Hands have been shaken with representatives in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire. According to Eugene, he receives partnership requests on a daily basis. So we grew quite curious, why affiliates in Africa are so interested in partnership with LH-Crypto.
E.: LH-Crypto, as a multi-broker, is determined to expand its client base by introducing new effective and convenient partnership programmes. The last time we met I described what our company has to offer, what is it there that makes partnership with us particularly easy and profitable, so I won't be repeating myself today. I think it is best to speak more about our unique feature, our key product that LH-Crypto relies on a lot. We offer our partners numerous free solutions, from local payment methods to risk management systems, so that our partners devoted all of their efforts and attention to our clients.
So let's speak about one of such solutions, it's the CRM system by LH-Crypto.
What exactly is CRM, what do you need it for?
Customer Relations Management system is special software, it is designed to optimize and automate interaction with the company's clients. CRM is supposed to make working with clients simpler and, most importantly, to increase sales significantly. This system helps avoid delays and errors when interacting with a client. At the same time, it is a very convenient database that contains all the necessary information on a client and on the history of relations with them. In this case, a client is not tied down to one employee that they first started communicating with. Instead, every employee is capable of continuing working with this client, consulting them or keeping in touch, telling them about new products, for all the details are laid out clearly in the CRM system profile. Meanwhile, their manager can set tasks and follow how these tasks are performed.
CRM System by LH-Crypto is integrated with the telephony and MetaTrader terminal, it also has all the samples of documents necessary for work, so everyday routine tasks take less time, and you can avoid errors and misprints. CRM system integrated features include sending text messages and making phone calls via IP telephony. After a client registers and opens a new trading account for a company, all the important changes, account replenishments, and withdrawals are shown in the system as well.
It is a well-known fact that a high-quality CRM system that is tailored for specific tasks of a particular company, doesn't come cheap, it's a painstaking, technically complicated product. Our software is designed by a whole group of different specialists. And we offer our CRM solutions absolutely for free. Our main goal is to take off extra responsibilities from our partners so that they could fully concentrate on acquiring new clients and quickly starting their own office.