UTIP CRM & UTIP Trader's Room. October 2023
A new release of the UTIP CRM 2.35.0 provides updates to the “Authorization”, “Customers” and “Overview” modules, adds a new condition for duplicate detection and implements API documentation version 3 for lead generators. The UTIP Trader's Room 2.24.0 features an option to create preset deposit values.
UTIP CRM: updated "Authorization", "Clients", and "Overview" modules
In the client card, the pages "Authorization", "Customers" and "Overview" have been entirely moved to the React. This brought about a faster and more responsive interface. The page design has also been updated, and the performance has been improved.

UTIP CRM: new condition for customizing duplicate management
A new condition for duplicate detection has been added to the settings. Now the setting is more flexible due to having several criteria for duplicates: phone or email, or both at once. This setting allows reducing the number of duplicates on the client's project based on their business processes.
UTIP CRM: API documentation update to version 3
The APIv3 documentation improving interaction between a lead generator and the broker's UTIP CRM has been implemented. APIv3 allows more flexibility in customizing the work of a lead generator with the broker, eliminating unnecessary steps and requests.
The new version includes the requests necessary for a lead generator, such as "Get a list of statuses", "Get a list of countries", "Get a list of additional fields". The requests may be executed by a lead generator with one unique API key. This guarantees the safety of customer data.
UTIP Trader's Room: option to customize preset amounts for deposit
A broker can contact the UTIP technical support team and require setting the value they need for a trader's deposit. If the preset values stay unchanged, the preset amount will be formed on the basis of the trader's last deposits.
Please feel free to contact our sales department., if you need any further information on the UTIP CRM 2.35.0 and UTIP Trader’s Room 2.24.0.
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