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FTSE higher amid lesser virus cases in UK – FTSE 100 Market Outlook – 26/06/2020


Government data showing a drop in new virus cases by 41% and an announcement by the ECB that it would offer loans to central banks outside of the Eurozone lifted risk on sentiment as the index trades around the 200 period SMA and our resistance level at 6223. Our support level at 6162 should hold for upside momentum to continue, with downside risks looming as corporates continue to cut jobs.

Support: 6162 /6100
Resistance: 6223/6307

SquaredFinancial Daily Market Outlook


SquaredFinancial Review

Source: https://www.squaredfinancial.com/learn/daily-market-outlook/ftse-higher-amid-lesser-virus-cases-in-uk-ftse-100-market-outlook-26-06-2020
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